středa, 11 listopad 2015 10:28

2. Martha

Ohodnotit tuto položku
(0 hlasů)
The well is located in the courtyard of the elementary school in Baie-de-Henne. This school serves three hundred children. In the campus we have built two wells - Maria Goretti and Martha. The village has 2,000 inhabitants and serves as a centre for other approximately 8,000 inhabitants. Many of them come here every day for water. The well Marta mainly serves the needs of school kitchen.

The depth of the well is 21 m, water column is 15 m. When working on the well there was loose rock and soil to two meters of depth, then limestone up to 16 m and then saturated gravel. In the second half the drilling was difficult (at 20 m probably crack) - hammer was jamming, causing falling of walls. It was necessary to repeatedly pull the entire drill string out and clean the borehole.

Další informace

  • Lokalita - en: Baie-de-Henne
  • GPS - en: lat: 19.662379, lng: -73.204917
  • Stav - en: put into operation 20. 2. 2011
  • Hloubka vrtu - en: 21 m
Číst 1459 krát Naposledy změněno sobota, 19 listopad 2016 23:06

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