The well is located in the courtyard of the elementary school St. Maria Goretti in Baie - de - Henne. This school serves approximately three hundred children. In the campus, we have built two wells - Maria Goretti and Martha. The village has 2,000 inhabitants and serves as a centre for other several thousands of inhabitants. Many of them come here every day for water.
The depth of the well is 21 m, water column is 15 m. The school campus with the well is located about 100 meters from the sea at an altitude of about 20 meters above sea level. The well has a quality water and an abundant source of drinkable water.
The original foot pump was replaced in 2016 by a hand pump India.
Další informace
- Lokalita - en: Baie-de-Henne
- GPS - en: lat: 19.662137, lng: -73.205341
- Stav - en: put into operation 19. 2. 2011
- Hloubka vrtu - en: 21 m
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