středa, 11 listopad 2015 10:28

19. Ivy

Ohodnotit tuto položku
(0 hlasů)
The settlement of Clenette is located 3 km southwest of Bombardopolis at an altitude of 500 m. The well is on the edge of the football field in the middle of Clenette.

The borehole is 88 m deep, in the whole depth lies limestone rock, the last six meters in the form of hard rock. Water column is 39 m high. Well has good quality water. However, the yield is affected by rainfall. Because of the water savings, the locals lock the well and it is in operation twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon. It is the only local source of water. The well is equipped with a hand pump India.

The drilling mission, during which the well Ivuše was built, was financially supported by a permanent UN mission in Haiti, Minustah.

Další informace

  • Lokalita - en: Clenette (Bombardopolis)
  • GPS - en: lat: 19.68085882, lng: -73.35612058
  • Stav - en: put into operation 11. 12. 2012
  • Hloubka vrtu - en: 88 m
Číst 1068 krát Naposledy změněno sobota, 19 listopad 2016 23:25

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