The village of Damé is located approximately five kilometres southeast of Mare Rouge in the direction of Ti Riviere at an altitude of 500m. The well is located under the new church run by Italian missionaries. The area is densely populated.
The borehole is 22 meters deep, the water column is nine meters high. At the beginning of drilling we had problems with mud. The borehole was completed thanks to using a soluble liquid additive that reduces friction and stabilizes the walls of the borehole. The well was originally equipped with a hand pump India. An electric pump, water reservoir and fountains with three taps were subsequently installed.
Construction of the well was co-financed by the Italian mission in Mare Rouge which also ensured complete installation of pumps and construction of a tank with a fountain. The well is run by the mission.
Další informace
- Lokalita - en: Damé (Mare Rouge)
- GPS - en: lat: 19.77429606, lng: -73.23722361
- Stav - en: put into operation 25. 4. 2013
- Hloubka vrtu - en: 22 m
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