středa, 11 listopad 2015 10:28

25. Amelia

Ohodnotit tuto položku
(0 hlasů)
The well is located in the region of Madora, which is located 5 km west of Mare Rouge. In the vicinity of the well Amelia there are several settlements and villages. People from this area had to walk for an hour to reach the closest well. Non-potable water was scooped up from the pit where the water was very polluted. The site is located a few miles from the sea and at an altitude of approximately 350 m.

The borehole is seven meters deep, the water level is in six meters of depth. The well is equipped with a hand pump India.

Další informace

  • Lokalita - en: Madora (Mare Rouge)
  • GPS - en: lat: 19.807380, lng: -73.31063
  • Stav - en: put into operation 11. 10. 2013
  • Hloubka vrtu - en: 7 m
Číst 1102 krát Naposledy změněno sobota, 19 listopad 2016 23:28

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